Review - Science Experiment

The kids always have a fun time when I do science experiments, and so do I.

You'll need:
  • a cookie sheet
  • food coloring
  • clear plastic cups
  • plastic spoons
  • water
  • vinegar
So I had a list of songs printed out, each song in a different color matching my food colors.  I set up the cups with water in a row, except 1 of them had vinegar in it.  The spoons were laid out carefully in behind each cup.  I put a few drops of food coloring on each spoon, and then put baking soda on top of it so you couldn't tell what color it was.  When they stirred it in the water changed color.  And then we sang that song!  But one lucky kid gets to stir into the vinegar and watch it bubble over (hence needing the cookie sheet).    Then dump it all and set it up again for the next group!

But you could look up and do any number of science experiments to tie into primary.  It's all about getting their attention AND keeping it!
