Oldie But A Goodie

I noticed that when you only learn one song a month, it gets a little old and tiring.  I have a monthly routine that kind of follow:

1st Sunday: Learn new song
2nd Sunday: Review new song
3rd Sunday: Oldie But A Goodie Week
4th Sunday: Review Game (All songs learned for the primary program so far)

Of course we don't only sing one song a day, I open with wiggle song, close with a reverent song, sometimes have a wiggle or quiet song in the middle depending on behavior..

But one of my favorite Sundays is the Oldie But A Goodie Week.  This is for all of those parents and teachers that have these great ideas like "Why don't you teach the song We'll Bring The World His Truth?" not realizing that you have a detailed plan of what songs you need to teach each Sunday that go along with the theme for the day and the outline that the General Presidency has given you listing the songs to teach.  (Sorry, rant over.)

But I do agree, there are songs that are some of my favorites that I want to teach.  And this is how I bring it in.  This song isn't for performing, so it doesn't have to be perfect.  But it is a good way to mix in some new songs for opening and closing.

So I found a record at Goodwill with some really old people on the cover.  (The kids love it.)  And then I pull out the record and we see what song it is that I have written on it!  And that's it!
